NADCO’s Spring Summit is always a special conference. Where else can you meet so many SBA leaders in one place? After all, the Summit is held in Washington, D.C., so they’re in the neighborhood! With great networking, getting the latest legislative and regulatory updates from Congressional representatives and SBA brass, and opportunities for CDCs to advocate on the Hill, it’s a special conference, indeed.

NADCO promises an issues-packed conference. And they always deliver. With so many changes in 504 lending over the past year, we plan to sit in on as many “hot topic” sessions as possible. We’re interested in the overall economic and rate environment, and such industry-specific issues as the latest from OCRM leadership, including an overview of the new Redwood loan scoring model; a look at SBA’s latest technologic innovations – and much more.

As consultants, everything we see and hear will enrich our knowledge so we can best assist  our CDC clients across the country. And of course, you can look forward to lots of information and analyses in upcoming JRB eBulletins.

It will be great to see everyone, to attend the sessions and to participate in the lively give-and-take discussions about initiatives that will help CDCs and the 504 industry thrive and grow.

If you’re attending Spring Summit, stop by our booth. JRB Principal Alex Liberchuk and I look forward to meeting you and discussing ways JRB can best assist your CDC.

See you in  D.C.!
Sandy Mortan
Senior Associate